Sunday, January 29, 2006

"Blow Dryer Warning: Do not use while sleeping."

Do you ever have those days were you feel like the dumbest person in the room? what about when you're alone in that room?

yes, most of the time, i feel pretty good on the braininess spectrum, after all, i did pick out all 9 of the 'f''s in the paragraph, while supposedly, most people only see 6. and most of the time, i realize that that chain letter asking for me to send it to everyone i know b/c microsoft will donate a penny for every email, isn't the real deal (though that little girl in moscow with all the burns must be real b/c she managed to get to a computer through all that pain and take the time to write a chain letter), but let's face it, there are lots of people much smarter than me.

for example, and this is what started me on this pathetic journey of move me to hillbilly country and i'll feel right at home introspection was the Book "Kids who invented the popsicle". now, ok, i'll admit that taking a fruit drink and sticking a, well, stick, into it and freezing it isn't rocket science (something else i will never be able to do), but, man, children are inventing things that are at least making them money, and most of the time, i can't find my keys.

though, i discovered that there is a solution for all of us that have the capacity to understand just how dumb we are. the trick is finding something that comes easy to you. like, i went on a kid's website and starting doing all the quizzes that are made for children. and for a while it worked. but then, i discovered the danger of doing this. this is an important warning. if you're going to go on a kids website and do quizzes that are designed to be for kids, and therefore, pretty easy, make sure that you can, in fact, solve all the quizzes. damn it, what's rvsiu unscrambled?

Further, there's a theory of 'the basic laws of human stupidity', which outlines the 3rd (and golden) basic law: that human beings fall into four basic categories: the helpless, the intelligent, the bandit, and the stupid. now, let's say i subscribe to this notion. well, i'm not helpless. true, i burn water, but compared to one particular person i knew (we'll call her valley girl from BC), who didn't know how to turn her heater on (when it was unplugged), then, i'm not that helpless. and to make a long story short, i still can't figure out rvsiu, and i'm not a bandit. so that only leaves one (4-1-1, er, yeah, i'm pretty sure.. yup, that leaves just one). so maybe living amongst hillbillies (or one of my ex's) isn't such a bad idea. i hope that they don't start taking the warning labels off of everything, then i'd be in huge trouble.

Random thought of the day: "Once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it's hard to get it back in."

it's "virus"
lol. see, i'm a dumbass
hey, i played a lot of text twist in my day

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