Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Kidnies with gender identities.

that's right, you can read, and you have read that CORRECTLY.

not really though. here's the story. a guy from... well, one of those villages that are missing an idiot, got a kidney transfer. and, lord forbid, he should thank everyone who has given him a second chance at life, NO, he is turning around, and suing the very people that extended his life. talk about no appreciation.

basically, he got a female kidney. and ever since the operation (or more likely since he found out it was a female kidney), he says that his friends (drinking?) are making fun of him b/c he's acting more like a woman (what does that even mean?), and (get ready my female friends), he's doing more women's jobs: like knitting and ironing (um, dude, i'm a woman, been a woman for YEARS [lol] and i don't iron you pansy). yeah, apparently, his female kidney, which somehow has some kind of female biological identity, is making him act more like a woman. i don't know. laughter comes to mind. i mean, i can imagine that an organ might make you act more like a woman, if it was a 'female' organ, like an ovary or something, and even then, its just cause you can now have children. i don't know what makes us form gender identities; i'm pretty sure that its a combo of nature/nurture. whatever, the point is this, whatever it is that makes us more 'male' or 'female' on the spectrum, i'm pretty sure its not an opposing gender organ. though, i'm sure some of that laughter that's coming your way might make you a little less full of it, bring down that testosterone, and just make you less of an ass.

it either case, either we are all stupid, or our random organs contain gender identities. i highly doubt it, and i'm going with the conclusion that its just ridiculousness, but, it just shows that people will try anything for a quick buck. i hope that he's doing that knitting bare foot in the kitchen and someone's peeling him/her? a grape. AY YAY YAY. Ay Dios Mio! O Moj Boze!

looks like he couldn't take a bit of teasing at the local saloon.

suck it up and be happy you're alive.
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