Friday, January 20, 2006

Canada - Just say "Bahhhh"

all niceties aside, people are sheep. not everyone. i know a lot of really smart people who take the time to find out about something beyond what they hear in the media, they take time to form their own informed opinions, they read between the propaganda lines, and they don't follow suit based on knee-jerk reactions, emotions, and popular belief. but then there are too many that do.

take the following as example: the CHP (christian heritage..) would "provide women facing an unanticipated pregnancy with comfort, counsel and material aid — to help them find non-lethal solutions. The Alan Guttmacher Institute reports that in more than 60% of abortions, the woman’s choice was coerced by a boy-friend father, husband, or other authority-figure. Women and babies ought to be protected against such coercion!. honestly, take the fact that this is a christian organization, and i'm to believe that they are going to care that i don't abort b/c they don't want me to be exploited? or is it more likely that they care more about pro-choice (which is in their front line description)? i can take some singular "report" which sounds official and proper, and use that as standard to back up my opinions that "women cause a break down in society b/c they work outside of the home". DON'T MAKE IT TRUE. but some have suggested it in "official" research reports. bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

also, the minute something semi-big happens, people turn to fear as comfort. SARS! people panicked. and yes, some died, but, in reality, more people die each year from the flu. and, take what jay hit on briefly, the government is so ineffective that they waste MILLIONS EVERYDAY, the ad scandal is a laugh compared to that.

but do people care? do they take the time to find out? no! baahhhhhh. they're too busy driving their SUVs and living in homes that they can't afford b/c they feel better about themselves. fucking stop pissing me off and get some fucking sense. liberals aren't perfect, but christ, steven harper is a puppet, and he is not to be trusted. i don't mean to offend here, but i'm not comfortable with any prime minister that is goign to be so obsessed with pleasing the (u.s.) president. we have to care about what we as canadians want, not what some other country wants us to do. harper is like that kid in high school that did what you told him to do b/c he wanted to prove that he wasn't a geek, and that he was "cool". add to that that he's a conservative (hey harper, do you have anything to say beyond the fact that the liberals wasted millions in the scandal?)

beyond that, and i think i mentioned this before, you CANNOT, i repeat, CANNOT, be a minority and vote for conversatives. how can you use the very rights that you have been GIVEN (and your predecessors fought for) and in the same turn say that you don't want gays to have the same rights. it makes no sense you useless waste of air. i'm a little bitter, yes, b/c i see what's going on in the polls. wake up! consider your life, do you like what you have, do you enjoy your rights, well, kiss em goodbye if you're a woman, a minority, gay, or disabled, oh yeah, and not rich. it's not what they say, its what they did politically in the recent past that you should pay attention to.

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