Thursday, February 24, 2005

caught in the turmoil of stagnancy???

ok, so a couple of things. got the new phone, the samsung, and while it's pretty and some cool stuff, didn't like it at all, so, it turns out that my mom now has a new phone again. oh well, what can you do- the options suck and the function keys are all on the other side of what i'm used to, so it takes me twice as long to do basic things like call someone, cause i'm pressing end instead of call. good ridens. my mom loves it though. me, i'm waiting for something better. don't know what that is yet.

i've got one more exam to go tomorrow and it's reading week. can't wait. have to do quite a bit tomorrow so i hope i remember everything.

and then, i'm off to ottawa to see mags and jay for the weekend, coming back on tues morning, just enough time to make it for work in the afternoon. should be a good time. i miss taking the train. will have pics when i get back. so, instead of going somewhere warm, i'm off to cold cold ottawa.

have a nice weekend, and will update in a couple of days. ciao

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

just a bit of legal humour. enjoy. got it off

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Thought of the Day

ok, so something occurred to me today, and i'm afraid that i dont' have the answer yet.
i came across some anal retentive control freaks, and it has been my opinion up to today that anyone that needs to control things to such a degree really needs some help, the professional kind. i mean really, if you need control that bad, you probably have issues you need to resolve. just a thought. and, unless you count the silly little things, i'm really not into control (at least i don't think so, and if any of my friends reading this think that i do, please leave me in ignorant bliss for a while, i'd like to figure it out for myself). anyway, i don't think that i am.
it occurred to me that maybe i'm just selling myself short. maybe i should be a control freak b/c i should have higher standards. i'm not sure, but maybe it is about expecting the best for yourself, and when you don't get it, you come off as a control freak. granted, i've only thought about this for a few minutes here and there for all of like 6 hours, but i might be onto something. i'd hate to be an anal control freak, but if it gets the job done, i'd consider it. probably needs a lot more thought. just trying to use some brain cells.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

This is my new phone. The Samsung E316 features an integrated camera with impressive self and multi-shot capabilities, an unique external colour display with Picture Caller-ID, superior colour screen and an easy-to-use icon-based menu system.

ok, so i'm not really crazy about the phone. personally, i don't even like samsung. but, here's the deal breaker - it was a $400 phone that i got for $00. so, as a back up for when my "real" phone dies, hell, i'll take it. and, since i'm going to be buying a phone later on in the year, and my mom uses a similar samsung but an earlier model, she'll be used to the settings and buttons, so i'll just give her the phone. so for now, i can live with it. and it's pretty, and small.

Friday, February 18, 2005

it just feels like a kumbaya

ok, so good day. first of all, i got my bell monthly statement, and noticed some long distance charged to... austria. hi- don't know anyone in austria. and for a total of $90. yeah. so i called them and, without much effort at all, got those taken off. so good start. then i called rogers mobile and talked to the guy, and he ended up given me like the best plan EVER, for half what i was paying till now. seriously, i'm not even going to tell you what i'm paying and the bonuses that i'm getting for it cause you'll hate me, but let me give you a hint, i'm getting such a low plan that you'd think i worked with rogers or that i had family there. THAT GOOD. so yeah, overall, a good day.

now, the only dilemna is that the razr phone that i wanted is nice and slim - SIDEWAYS - but it's wide and long. urg. so now i don't know want phone i want and what to do. thanks for the links jay. useful, but now i'm bummed out a little. and, what other phones can i use with rogers? can i get some phone that they don't sell from somewhere else and use it?? magda? jay? you would know. help me.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Still waiting for my rabbit hole

ok, so for anyone waiting in anticipation (yeah, right) for what the answer to the economics question was, the answer was a). finally figured it out. but man what a hard assignment, and, you'll be more happy to know that we spent about 10 hours in total on that stupid assignment, and it's only worth 10% of our final mark. isn't that just a kick in the arse????

and now i'm going to be up most of the night b/c i have to do an assignment that was due like two days ago (i know i know i just couldn't get to it) and i'm so not wanting to do it.

and i went to see hitch last night. funny, kinda cheezy at parts, but a good laugh, and a cute movie overall. if you're expecting a laugh and amusement, you'll get it, if you're expecting more, don't go.

quotes of the day:

i love deadlines. i like the whooshing sound as they fly by

the procrastinator's creed:
1. i believe that if anything is worth doing, it would have been done already
2. i shall never move more quickly, except to avoid more work or find more excuses

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Where's my rabbit hole?

got this from a great philosophical cartoon site-

Nice and Slow

today's one of those days that you get to stay in and have one of those moods that's all over the place. i'm sort of.... Melancholy. it's good though. i'm doing a lot of little things, replaced a light bulb finally, and going through old cd and rediscovering music i haven't listened to in at least a year and a half. now i have this need to sort my cd collection.

also, i got on the internet in search of re-downloading a song that kept skipping, and found a great music site-

it's a great site for discovering new music. they have categories (for me the jazz category is great but they have all kinds), and you can either listen to the featured songs off the cd, or you can download the song in mp3. great site, check it out. also, for anyone that likes acid jazz, i re-downloaded Go Slow by Smokin' with Superman. awesome song. there's something for everyone.

but i need to either get a fast connection or head to the music store cause i need some cd's to update my collection. i can't even remember the last time that i bought a cd.

Friday, February 11, 2005

thanks for the comments nance and jay. i'll check the links, and nance, yeah you're right, year 1 and 2 are a blur to me too. but look at what i found. pics for the last time that i came to b.u. i'll post more in the photo albums soon

just more good times at B.U.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

microeconomics sucks

ok, so this is my question. why when i'm in a law program, do i need to learn microeconomics? i know that there's a legitimate answer, but i don't wanna hear it. i have an assignment, and some of the questions are greek to me. like, for example- society is said to be underallocating resources to the production of a good X if, for the last unit produced: a)marginal benefit is greater than marginal cost, b)marginal benefit is less than marginal cost, c)opportunity cost of production is rising, d)consumption of good X is falling.

hello????? what in hell does that mean??? nancy? mags? you both did business, you should understand the ques. and there's like 14 more of them. urg.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

warning! cave men all around

wow. well, looking at the calendar you'd think that it was 2005. well, my friends, especially my women friends, you'd be deceived. i'm still hearing comments like "its men's work" ALL THE TIME. guys, get a clue. don't try to prove that you're the man by trying to belittle a woman or put her in "her place". actually try to do things that make you secure with being a man... whatever that is. it's enough. and you are not allowed to pass a woman over to a man if she's got more seniority and more skill and experience and talent and whatever. it's just not acceptable. GROW UP. no more demeaning jokes, no more comments behind our backs that we're feminists or that we're exagerating. if it's demeaning, derogatory, tasteless, it's just not funny. IT'S NOT THE WOMAN'S JOB TO GET ACCUSTOMED TO A MAN'S WORK ENVIRONMENT. it's an equal opportunity environment that shouldn't be male or female based. and it shouldn't be our problem that you can't compete or that you're not secure with yourself. god, get it together.

Friday, February 04, 2005

ok, so yeah, i knew it would happen. i'm at home cleaning and doing homework. i could go out, but come on. it's been a long day, and i'd have to get ready and spend energy and time on so many little things and, blah. no! now, on to other things. this is the new pic that i bought for the dining room. what do you think?

overall a good day. long, but good. and the plus was that i'm working today (friday) in the morning before school, and not after, which means that i have friday night OFF. wow, what will i do with myself??? i could party, i could go watch a movie.... yeah, i'll probably rent a few movies, and stay in and do homework. wow. how much excitement can i handle in my so fabulous life. and the topper, i'll probably clean. yeah. living in the edge.

today was the bar association convention. humber had a booth, so we got to go. it was cool. good day- picked up some stuff, brochures, business cards, networking, and other

the best thing about conventions? you get lots of FREE stuff. i, personally, made a killing in pens. (do a little dance - i swear when it come to office supplies, i'm like a kid at a toy store

we decided to go for lunch. and this is what i wanted and the only reason i agreed to go to milestone's- the bellinis

Thursday, February 03, 2005

ok, so the CAP scholarship presentation is done, happened last friday. it was nice. some lunch, met some people (networking starts-get ready to pucker up), and got the cheque (already spent Bills Bills Bills). took some pics that will be all over, will post them when i get them.

now me and the girls are off to the toronto metro convention centre tomorrow morning for the upper canada law society convention. will be done some more promotion for humber college BA paralegal program (and hopefully some networking). should be cool. going to bed cause i need to get up early. will be taking the camera so will post some pics.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

DNA alex's b-day --look for more on photo album link

me, kat, reeta, and lina (who was wearing the most amazing sparkly dress- though she kept saying that she looked like a disco ball- but i say to lina - even if that were true, how can that be a bad thing honey? work it)

P.S. missing in action (at least on the photos part) are chelsey and christine and erika. hope you have a good time girls. Party @ "Money" this weekend???

ok, someone needs to learn how to work my camera. all the shots of the four of us are out of focus or just bad. i had to do a lot of editing to get just this

reeta, kat, alex, and ev @ DNA

aren't they gorgeous? and that's still after a lot of drinking

well, this weekend at DNA for alex's b-day was party. lots of drinking, some people (not naming any names) went ALL out (you know who you are). good times with the girls, and for once, since i was taking care of someone, i actually remember everything that happened. woo-hoo.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

computers are nothing but trouble

haven't been posting b/c i've been having problems with my comp. it keeps freezing temporarily and permanently, programs start slow or not at all, and xp skin temporarily turns off and screen looks like old 95 operating system then goes back to normal, but by then, everything turns off or freezes. trying to figure it out but i'm having problems, and i fear a reformat (NOOOOOOOOOO).

on the more positive side, i found a new cell that i want. it's from motorola, their motorazr v3 phone. soooo nice. i'm practically drooling. it's not available in canada yet, so i'm anxiously waiting, and i can get a great discount on it i think, so that made me happy.

and, i need to decide if i wanna move again. still trying to evaluate the pros and the cons.

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