Thursday, February 17, 2005

Still waiting for my rabbit hole

ok, so for anyone waiting in anticipation (yeah, right) for what the answer to the economics question was, the answer was a). finally figured it out. but man what a hard assignment, and, you'll be more happy to know that we spent about 10 hours in total on that stupid assignment, and it's only worth 10% of our final mark. isn't that just a kick in the arse????

and now i'm going to be up most of the night b/c i have to do an assignment that was due like two days ago (i know i know i just couldn't get to it) and i'm so not wanting to do it.

and i went to see hitch last night. funny, kinda cheezy at parts, but a good laugh, and a cute movie overall. if you're expecting a laugh and amusement, you'll get it, if you're expecting more, don't go.

quotes of the day:

i love deadlines. i like the whooshing sound as they fly by

the procrastinator's creed:
1. i believe that if anything is worth doing, it would have been done already
2. i shall never move more quickly, except to avoid more work or find more excuses

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