Tuesday, March 18, 2008

End of Poverty???

You wouldn't think its possible the way that the issue of poverty is presented sometimes, but there are ppl who believe that poverty could be wiped out with some key steps - they report that there is a blueprint to end poverty in our time.

Jeffrey Sachs believes this to be true in "The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for our Time", and the UN Millennium Project "A Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals" can be found here (downloadable PDF).

Jeffrey Sachs is an unexpected writer. He's a economist and from my experience of economics, they tend to be very dry writers. this isn't a generalization (or i don't mean it to be), but the ones i real were pretty dry. but Sachs writes in a way that is involving and clear. obviously, he is a man that is truly passionate about his field. He writes that ending poverty is a choice to be made by our generation - but a choice with an obtainable and realistic outcome. even this statistical reference doesn't drudge on like some (try reading The Rise of the Network Society - great ideas, but overwhelming with the statistics).

Best Deal for The End of Poverty: Chapters.indigo = $7.99 (sale) hardback

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