Tuesday, January 17, 2006

somehow, it will be done

here are my two thoughts of the day:

its jan. 17, and i'm already hearing about people who made New Years resolutions, and are failing them, quitting them, or just plain letting it slide. why do people still make these resolutions, when they KNOW that if they make one, it's just not going to happen. but that starting me thinking, and i concluded that i wanted to make a resolution that was fun and something that probably wouldn't succeed in the first place. so, here's my new resolution for 2006. it is my aim to be in the 6 degrees on kevin bacon. that's right. i have to somehow get connected, under 6 seperations, to the one and only, kevin bacon (and i don't know any way to direct myself to anything having to do with the woodsman, so that might be a problem). but this is my goal. who can help me out here? i need that first level of me to ___ ? (who).

how can any nobody with even a slight 15 minutes of fame be connected back to Kevin, and not me? i mean, no, i'm not famous, nor did i do any movies, or commercials, or anything remotely close to getting me close to kevin bacon, but, i know lots of people. one of them has to be good for something (joking, i love you). so instead of worrying about wars, or disease, or canadian politics (and the likes of mindless robots getting into power), i will spend my minutes of pondering trying to connect the dots between me and kevin. oh, and this has to happen with as little effort as possible, b/c, well, as much as i love kevin, i have a kazillion other things more pressing. remember, i have all year.

oh, and according to an internet "test" that i did, i am only 47% or so drama queen. what the hell? i know, like 100%, that i am, in fact, wayyyy more of a drama queen than just something in the 40's. jipped. cheated. i even lied and answered something more drama than i would do in real life, and i still only got 47%. damn it, i can make myself cry on demand, i can freak out at whim, and i create drama with the best of them. i am soooo, a total drama queen. that'll teach me to trust internet personality 'tests'.

oh my god!!!!! yey.
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