Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Drum roll please

before i end my day, i find myself compelled to comment about a particular story that was in the news yesterday.

a german man, who happens to be a cannibal, ate a man who apparently demanded to be eaten (guess you'll use that term carefully next time). not a joke. this is his defence. he claims that (good god i wish i was making this up) he was only carrying out the man's wishes to be eaten and did not intend to kill him: "i wanted to eat him, but i didn't want to kill him" (question #1: how do you eat someone and not kill them?). he was given 8.5 years in jail, and didn't get a life sentence b/c the court concluded that the man wanted to be eaten (huh, so i know i won't be using that term EVER again). this is what he did. he severed the victims, um, penis, and BOTH attempted to eat it, 'without success' (gee, really?). when the man bled to death, the cannibal prayed. and after praying, and after thinking that the man was dead, he plunged a knife into his neck (no, no attempts to kill the guy, at all, i often plunge knives into peoples necks for the hell of it).

his lawyers argued that the death was a killing on request, a sort of euthanasia. and in order to get a conviction, the prosecution had to prove that Meiwes (the cannibal) killed the victim not only b/c the victim wanted to be eaten, but b/c of his own desires (which could apparently be proven b/c he taped the whole thing and later watched it for sexual gratification). can you imagine? prosecution actually had to try to PROVE that Meiwes wanted to eat/kill the guy b/c HE wanted to. is this not apparent? picture this defence lawyer though. you have to use the tape b/c it shows that the victim "wanted to be eaten" but realize that it also proves the prosecutions case b/c why else would you tape an act like that if not to watch it again and enjoy or benefit from it later.

this is too much. i don't even know where to begin. what in the hell??? too many comments, my brain is going to explode. i'll leave it to you for now, but i know two things for sure, (1) i don't know which of these guys is more screwed up; (2) i'm pretty sure no man wants his penis hacked off and eaten, unless he's real screwed up, and then i'd try to work that in as a defence in there somehow.

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