Friday, April 15, 2005

i came from work, and had to start finish doing research on our legal research paper on the unconstitutional banning of pit bulls in Ontario. and as i was doing it, i easily got distracted into other pursuits. mainly, personality tests, personal and political. i'm probably sharing too much information about myself, but here are the results that i got. first of all, i'm a libertarian (smaller government, individual responsibility, tolerance of people's lifesyles etc). yeah, ok, that sounds like me. oh, and i did a quiz about whether i'm fascist, and apparently, i am. i got a score of 3.666 which means that i'm disciplined but tolerant. i see a theme starting to emerge already. lets more on to funnier things.

then i did a test on which famour person i'm like, and apparently, i'm orson wells. yeah, i can see it. attaining greatness and then personally ruining it and having to subject myself to doing belittling things and dying a failure (or in my case, with lots and lots of cats). totally see it. lol.

next, a "which david bowie are you" quiz. i am early "duke" bowie and am a neurotic, self-obsessed coke-addict. sweet. and yes, sometimes (minus the coke) i really am.

now, this one (how dumb are you?) i'm not going to tell you what i got, but me and math are not friends. as this is not new to me, i'm ok with it (though a bit of a dumb ass)

lastly, there are many more, but i have to stop procrastinating, there's the "how stressed are you versus how stressed you think you are" test -from sparklenotes. this ones really quite funny. these are my results: my stress factor (hard to believe, is only 21%; below average, and i am likely lazy and a simpleton. i should avoid heavy machinery. there are 48% of people worse off than me. wow. that puts things in perspective.

other personality results i got: i'm a guardian (from
i'm vigilant (aware of envrnmnt around me, but also social critic)
and on enneagram type, i'm a six (
waste of time, but fun. some funnier than others, but well worth it.

check out quincyweb for more tests
and Sparknotes (but you will have to sign in-create a sign-in)

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