Saturday, April 02, 2005

a look into the future

watched ZED tv today, its a cbc program about technology (i know cbc is sketchy but its a good show), and they showed some short movies about our possible future if things keep going the way they're going. one of the movies was called (EPIC 2015). it started with the history of the web, then about the power of amazon, and google, and blooger, and microsoft, proposing that amazon and google were going to become one entity, and the way our personal information would start to get compiled, and the way traditional news would fail as print and would instead all be personalized algorithms- the news would be personalized for us; for example: when bush makes a statement that goes into a compiled source of info and then amazon/google takes your shopping/browsing/etc info and makes the news personalized to you. well, it goes on and on, its a good one.

the other story was about a guy calling for pizza, and the computer compiling his personal info for the customer service person to be able to recommend what he can afford (cause her screen shows his financial history), and what healthy alternative he should eat (she has his health info), and on and on. its funny-but scary. cause its heading that way.

what's funny is that the whole idea is a little scary, but the stories become propaganda with the sinister background music (very dark and hitchcock like melodies). if you isolate that from the content, you realize that in less than 10 years, all our lives could be a compilation of algorithms in the "brothers watching" database, and i don't know about you, but i'm not so happy about that.

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