Saturday, March 19, 2005

is this too much for anyone??? come on now, i know that we live in a world of bleeding heart liberals, and treehuggers, and politically correct god forbid if we should offend anyone or-make them feel bad about themselves, but there has to be a limit. and the limit has come and gone for me, but for anyone else, this should be THE limit. one of the companies that we deal with decided (for whatever reason) that they needed to boost the ego's of their delivery people, and they are now "product transportation technicians". Give me a break. do we really live in the kind of world in which we have to glorify our titles to feel better about ourselves. deal with the station in life that you've chosen, or do something about it. but in the end, changing your title and making it simply sound impressive doesn't mean anything. you're still just a glorified delivery guy.

oh man, i forgot about the certified coffee technician, must make a follow up about that.
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