Monday, March 14, 2005

ah, a wasted day

instead of doing productive things that will ensure me a future, i went the other way and spent most of the day dancing in my livingroom, listening to old CASSETTES (Nine Inch Nails, Meat Loaf-Bat out of Hell 2, and Another Bad Creation- the ultimate mix isn't it?), and talking to adj who convinced me that with my legal background i could in fact (despite my trailer trash controlling bf named dwight who beats me b/c he loves me) establish the interactive paraphenilia drug museum set on a mobile boat in the middle of a ghetto. yeah. for anyone that knows what me and adj are like when we have a conversation, this is of no wonder to you (she's messed- lol). for those of you that don't know us when we get together, be afraid, be very afraid- and more importantly, realize that the trailer trash bf and museum only exist in our own little world. but you should see the looks when we talk about it or retell it to others. she's going to get a blog up just about this, specifally about her relationship with her controlled white trash bf Jeb.

on to the other thing i wanted to mention. i was watching that fantastic tv channel that we have in toronto (citytv, and i use the word fantastic loosly), and there was a show on about a man and his doll. yes, doll, and not blow-up, but full our plastic doll that he could be "intimate" with, but that he treats like a real person, and sleeps with, watches tv with, and everything else with. so, is this just me being too conservative b/c i don't get it, or is this the ultimate being afraid of real women and real life and retreating into some twisted reality. hey, if you think i'm being judgmental and conservative, totally admitting that i am. i'm trying to understand, and be sympathetic, but... no, sorry, i just don't get it.

hey girl,
ok so no, as a future shrink i don't think you're being too conservative -this man is suffering from female paranoia and serious delusion-pood guy

take care hun
oops, i meant poor guy
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