Tuesday, March 27, 2007


i'm not sure if its just me, but does it seem like maybe b/c of technology or media or just b/c we're lazy, that we're getting dumber? i mean, i'm pretty sure i said some stupid things in my life, especially in my youth, but some of our youth is getting out of control simple.

case in point: i'm getting off the transit, when i hear a young girl, about 17 or so say, and i quote "i'm going the same opposite direction". um, last i checked, you can't do that. you can't go in two directions at the same time, unless you're in fact actually a genius and you have figured out who to slip atoms, and therefore yourself, in which case, i apologize for assuming that you're an idiot.

(also, this is just a note, when i was thinking of what to call this post, i thought i'd call it devolution, but i've discovered that that's wrong, as evolution is directionless, and so "devolution" is change and is therefore still actually evolution - interesting).

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