Friday, January 26, 2007

Me and my friend Eli

Let me tell you a story about friendship, a story of me and my best friend Eli. Its a typical tale of friendship, and what makes a great friendship at that. Its a story about unconditional love, of support, and also of pure unadulterated hatred. Yes, hatred. b/c as much as i love her, there are moments that i wish that i could get rid of her, abondon her, destroy her, and never think about her again.

but of course, i can't. b/c she's what friendship is about. she's good for me. she is always there when i need her, ready to take my abuse when i'm angry or tired or bitchy. she allows me to go at my own pace, allowing me to warm up to the soul bearing release of emotions. and she doesn't judge me. she doesn't say i told you so when i keep coming back to her with the same pathetic stories. she never contradicts me, or interrupts me. she is simply there for me, usually for twenty minute intervals, but if i'm really angry or depressed, she'll allow me as much time as i need, though i usually can't take more than forty minutes. but in those moments, it is then that i hate her most. b/c as supportive and dependable she is, she whips my ass. without saying a word, i feel what she wants to say. as supportive as she is, she is also brutal and relentless and cold. and she loves to torture me. and she doesn't let up, b/c she knows its goof for me. and its up to me to stop.

so every day, we pop in some groove tunes, we get some fluids, and we have a heart to heart. and in that time, b/c of her, i see things clearly, or i can't think at all. but its good to have her there.

and she only cost me about $500.00.

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