Monday, December 18, 2006

some serious hallelujahs

my friend kelly and i attended at the Toronto Symphony Orchestra yesterday at the Roy Thompson Hall. we went to see Hendel's Messiah.

the TSO is always phenomenal. i used to play violin and was in small productions of orchestra like concerts (when i was younger mind you), and i was in several choirs (also as a child, man, i quit everything as a kid, someone should have asserted a little more discipline, hint hint, mom). anyway, what i'm saying is that i appreciate a good orchestra and choir just even from the understanding of dedication that it actually takes.

it was beautiful. a little religious, but then, you can't expect anything less when you go see an orchestra event based on the life of the messiah. i could have done without the audience getting up and almost praying at the lengthy "hallelujah" section. and the amen at the end, while harmonious and inspiring, was a little long at about 10 minutes.

but overall, still worth it. but its the TSO so its always worth it. and you can't go wrong when you're sitting in the centre 8 rows back, and its free (boss has some good connections). so thanks bill.

Below is a pic of the Roy Thompson.

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