Wednesday, July 12, 2006

True friggin story

woman goes into the kitchen, say, at work.
she turns on the tap, and walks away for a few minutes.
she comes back to turn it off.
she turns the knob.

apparently, it won't turn off. and the water is quickly filling up the sink. its in danger of filling up and spilling out onto the kitchen floor.

woman calls for help, say, from a co-worker but you decide that part.
co-worker comes, agrees to help, thinking maybe the knob is stuck.
co-worker reaches out, and effortlessly turns off the water.
looks at the other woman who turned on the tap in the first place.
decides that its better not to say anything, and walks away.
later, she questions two things: 1) why couldn't she turn off the tap, 2) why didn't she just take out the sink plug?

another friend/coworker, whatever, repeats the story to, say the manager.
the manager, without wondering why the drama, or questioning the utter stupidity, says "we'll just throw out the sink plug".

now, correct me if i'm wrong, but why do we reward stupidity in this country?
why do we coddle, and support, and defend it?
why do we not have public mocking sessions? like hangings but just to mock in public.
why do we not give out signs that say "STUPID"?
when you're that stupid, it really should be paraded around, so others know, if nothing else, not to expect that much from someone with the sign.

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