Thursday, June 15, 2006

and faith shall set you free

my faith had dwindled a little bit.

as the day was winding down yesterday, i realized that i had not encountered any "village idiot" syndrome (that's my term that i am looking to copyright cause i believe that if everything else can be a syndrome, so can this - nay, it has to be). i had gone through the entire day and not heard a single idiotic tale.

my heart broke a little when this realization hit me. i mean, lets face it. i'm not really religious. i believe in god, but not really the kind of faith that gets me through the day, through the hard times, through the doubts. my faith is my pillar, but it is based on something entirely different. i believe, in my heart of hearts, that there are a lot of people just too stupid to live. that is what gets me through my day. b/c i realize, no matter how bad my day was, i'm still not as stupid (god at least i hope not) as a lot of THOSE people.

but i stuck it out, till minutes before going to bed, hoping that something would come my way. my faith kept me awake, convincing me that even though i would be very tired in the morning, i would not regret it. so i struggled on, one eye closing, then the next. my head started to do that bobble-head thing, except in slow motion. but i held strong. there were so many possibilities. that was my virtual bible. and then it finally happened.

ah, i am filled with hope again. i am restored. even resurrected.
i can sleep with stupidity fairies in my head.

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