Monday, May 08, 2006

either way it works

i don't know if its that i'm just cynical about people's behaviours or because i'm a study of psychology (not trying to toot my own horn here so i'm going to go with cynicism as the key) but man, can i call it or can i call it?

here's what i'm talking about. when i started reading the DaVinci Code, one of the first things that i thought was that when this movie got closer to being made and released, and the Code became more of a "phenomenon", the first thing that would be attacked is not even the ideas of the Code, but group rights.

you heard me. i'm talking about the albino thing. the one "priest" in the Code, the one that essentially does the killing, is an albino. and if you follow group mentality, the insecurities that our modern group right governments have created, it was easy to see this coming.

now albinos (is there a more proper way to say this?) are coming out and saying that they are appauled about how the Code portrays them. Hello? as far as i read, there was one albino, that was acting more on behalf of a sect of a church, not on behalf of albinos everywhere.

seriously, one of the worst things created was the notion and the actually existance of a charter or rights (and the like) that places more importance on group rights then equality for all equally. now people have this notion that they, as a group (whatever group they happen to feel a part of on that particular day), have to be protected b/c everyone else is now protected. i hear this comment everyday. the idea that a certain behaviour against X is the last allowable discrimination in society.

this "charter" behaviour is not bringing us together and protecting us as a society. it is breaking us up into groups. it is the reason that we feel insecure and unprotected. because instead of doing it how the britans do it (allowing everything except some things that can't be done) we are having to challenge behaviours and go in front of courts to say, that should not be allowed.

so its not surprising that the albino group is coming out and challenging the Code, saying that it portrays them negatively. its what we are trained to do. after all, if group a through y can do it, why not z (even if the negative behaviour has nothing to do with representing a people per say, just one person who is "bad" who happens to be of that "group"). you know what i mean?

it's all gotten so out of hand. nobody even cares anymore and only do it just to avoid problems.

it's a sad society we live in.
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