Monday, June 05, 2006

It'll be your own torture. I hope to God it'll torture you to madness.

You should read THIS ARTICLE.

Apparently, there are "hooligans" hanging out in parking lots, blasting their annoying young people music, and riding around in their souped-up cars.

so now, the officials are going to install some loudspeakers and start blasting some Barry Manilow over the waves in order to drive out the "hooligans".

so its kind of like A Clockwork Organge, but... stupid. good god. so, lets not deal with the problem head on, lets just get it out of our respectable neighbourhood with Barry, cause apparently, he's so annoying that them youngsters hate him enough that they will be driven off the respectable white people's property.

and don't get me wrong, other then copacabana, i'd be jettin' out of that parking lot too. any normal person can only stand so much of "mandy". and, by no means am i comparing barry to ludwig, but its kind of the same line of thinking. lets use something artistic, something that should be respected as an aid in designing our present reality of music not to teach "the youth" to respect music and all its forms, lets us it to make them hate it even more and drive them away to listen to their "annoying" young person's music.

and THIS article is even better. laughed my ass off (not b/c its funny, but b/c its just too stupid). just to recap, a man walks into a lionese den and starts yelling that god will protect him when the lionese jumps on him, severs an artery and kills him. dude, before you attempt stuff like that, be sure god is at least listening. cause at that moment, there was probably an earth quake or something in another part of the world, then god looks over at kiev, and goes "oh shit".

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