Monday, May 29, 2006

then the unthinkable happened

so you've probably heard. since we are the centre of the world.

toronto TTC striked - again. that's not the unthinkable part. especially b/c its not really anything new. after all, they striked a year ago. and, being that it was a year ago, i guess it was time to do it again.

(and before i continue my little rant, for any personnel at the TTC responsible for hiring. HIRE ME. i promise that for the pay that your employees make for sitting there doing nothing but just driving, i will never strike. hell, i will never complain, i will always be on time for work, i will even call you lord and master. think about it. call me).

ok, on with my point (i do have one). i don't watch the news. i know, it seems shallow. but these days, its not about reporting news, its about ratings and sensationalism (as in - "oh my god, that was graphic and may be hard to watch, lets see it again"). but today, i broke my rule. i watched the news. ok, the real reason i watched is egotistical. on my way to work, i got stopped by one of the news' cameraman and he interviewed me (not used on the news, i checked. i think its b/c i said that the TTC strike didn't really affect me b/c i take the GO.). ok, so i'm watching one of the streaming video. the anchor is going on how horrible it was, over a million people were stranded.

here's how i relate this to my blog title. so the anchor is talking and then the unthinkable happened. he actually said, in a dramatic voice, as if this was really a big problem "and people had to walk..."

oh my god. what kind of world are we living in when people have to walk. don't we have cars? do we not have friends with cars? taxis? in a world when we're sending people to the moon, we still have to use so primative thing as our legs for walking? have we not evolved past this point? i mean, a short stroll from work to across the street to get a caramel macchiato, yes. but walking. the horrors.

are you surprised?
you live in the CENTRE OF THE UNIVERSE!

they should not be expected to do such a thing.
its true. how dare they ask us to do that, on top of everything else.
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