Wednesday, August 30, 2006

we need susan powder "STOP THE INSANITY"

i was at work today, on my lunch, when i saw something offensive. now i know what you're thinking, "but lola, you work downtown, aren't there a lot of things that are offensive?", to which i would have to say that you are very correct my friend. but this particularily caught my attention.

there were two guys, dressed in white shirts and black pants (all matchy-matchy like and neutral), and they had backpacks on. and protruding out of these backpacks, on steel rods, about 8 inches up, there were lcd screen - for the sole purpose of..... advertising, you guessed it. it was so annoying. this is apparently a new way to advertise, becoming something termed 'walking billboards'. these kids are hired to put on these walking ads and just walk around downtown, doing nothing, just walking, while these screens run random ads.

isn't it bad enough that these screens are in our elevators, on cars, on the GO, on eggs (yes, eggs), on our phones, mobiles, faxes, well, these days, pretty much everywhere. i'm so annoyed by all of this. its invasive, its forceful, and i will purposefully not buy whatever products i see running off of these walking billboards. join me. otherwise, they will one day patent the inside of your eye lids and put an ad there too. (don't laugh, it could happen).

don't forget that they are also in public washrooms. as we sit to take a piss, we are bombarded.
i think you people need to take some anti insanity tabs because youve lost it ...........
as you are worried about being over stimulated with advertisement kamikaze walking billboards, you might fail to understand that the walking billboard boys are probably not happy doing this, and to them this is a way to keep themselves fed, just as you are on your way to work.
you should read George Saunders's short story "My Flamboyant Grandson" from his collection In Persuasion Nation. He's a satyrist who writes about media saturation, advertising, marketing. He's funny. Like Vonnegut, but more timely.
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