Tuesday, March 14, 2006

My Life as told through bumper stickers

anti-bush; cows may come and cows may go but the bull in this place goes on forever; danger, explosive personality, keep out; i just can't fix stupid; be sure brain is in gear before engaging mouth; the only bush i trust is my own; fully dysfunctional; when life gives you lemons ask for some tequila and salt; what part of get the hell away from me don't you understand; i don't feel nurturing today; you must have mistaken me for a therapist; i've never killed a man but i've met many an obituary with pleasure; an erection is not considered personal growth; ginger rogers did evreything fred astaire did but backwards and in heels; don't believe everything you think; sorry i missed church, i've been busy practicing witchcraft and becoming a lesbian; i'm having a blonde moment; beauty is in the eye of the beer holder; there can't be a crisis today, my schedule is full; time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time; don't piss me off, i'm running out of places to hide the bodies; if idiots could fly this place would be an airport; sarcasm is just one more service i offer; well, this day was a total waste of makeup; destined to be an old woman with cats; i'm flexible, just don't change anything; if we really learned from our mistakes, i'm be a fucking genius by now; no coffee, no workee; freedom isn't free, in fact, you have to be really rich; the vastness of time and space, and i ended up here?; just b/c noone understand you doesn't mean you're a genius;

god, there are so many others. but, here's something to consider. do i not have anything better to do with my time? i think the answer is clear.

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