Thursday, March 09, 2006

foe me peeps - gotta represent

we all know that the world is getting smaller and smaller every day. we're becoming more globalized (as good and/or as bad as that is), and international. we're starting to speak eachother's languages, and just understanding eachother.

yeah, right. no, i know that's not really true. but what is true is that my people are taking over. yup. there isn't just more and more of us, but our language is spreading. the polacks are taking over. and i can prove it.

i'm coming back from work the other day and on the truck in front of me, completely ghetto style, written into the dirt, is "kurva jedna". for anyone that doesn't know what this means, its a swear. but, if you were a pole, you'd also know that it could not have been written by a pole b/c its misspelled. and not just a mistake b/c i can't spell, but a serious misspell. there is no "v" in kurva, there's a "w". i'm telling ya, we're representing. we're moving in. we look just like most of you, so you can't tell us apart. its easy to infiltrate. mostly, you can tell us apart b/c we say "thanks god", but that's easy to unteach. we're becoming your neighbours, your co-workers, your friends. and we're buying your allegience. when we go anywhere, we bring stuff and we make great food.

soon, you'll be pronouncing all the letters in the words you speak, and you'll be doing whatever other stereotypical things we apparently do. don't be afraid. its good to be polish. we have so many great things to offer - culture, country, food, music, great strong swear words - pierogies.

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