Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The Problem... the way i see it.

so ontario introduced the new pit bull legislation. everyone and their brother seems to have something to say about it, but there's one thing missing from most of the comments.... FACTS.

and this is the problem. a politician who doesn't know any better decides that there is a problem, and that HE has to solve it. and without much unbiased objective evidence, facts, research (pretty much without anything but myth and hate and... well, i won't go there), they decide to ban something that doens't even exist (here's fact one, there is no such breed as a pit bull, its just a name to categorize a few different breeds into one). here's fact number 2: their jaws don't lock, fact 3: they are not "naturally" agressive (i could go on and on). more chow-chow and dobermans are responsible for attacks than pit bulls (i know there's a slight difference with severity of the attack). bottom line, its not the dog, its the owner. if you raise a dog to be aggressive, it will be aggressive. same as a child. italy banned dogs, and now they have something like 92 banned dogs.

one woman said that she believes in the ban b/c she sees a pit bull like a loaded gun. ummm, does anyone see anything wrong with that statement? don't all talk at once. i know you do. here's my answer to this. a loaded gun doesn't go off by itself. it needs a pulled trigger to discharge. that trigger is always there, but it takes an irresponsible PERSON to pull it. last i checked, a gun didn't possess the ability to discharge itself. and neither does a pit bull. they don't attack for no reason. there are always irresponsible people involved.

so the legislation, besided being unconstitutional is just pointless and it punishes a lot of responsible dog owners, and a lot of innocent dogs. and you think the horrible people that breed these dogs or abuse them are going to all of a sudden become responsible dog owners. NO, ain't gonna happen. but what will happen? i'll end this post by giving you a very possible scenario under this legislation:

you and your neighbour hate eachother. you have a pit bull. the neighbour wants to get back at you. he gets bitten by some random dog. he accuses your dog (the innocent pit bull). the police come into your home WITHOUT a warrant. they take your dog. they need NO PROOF. they kill your dog. end of story.

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