Friday, August 12, 2005

as i chant "ohmmm" in meditation

ok, so apparently i have sweet blood and whatever is biting me can smell it from miles away (probably an exaggeration but the way it seems). i've been bitten hundreds of times, and if its mosquitos then ottawa is safe from west nile cause they're all biting ME and my chances in stats have now dramatically gone up (OTTAWA: i will accept some form of thanks in the form of monetary gratitude). oh, its not that bad. i'm on vacation, there's no real drama, so i must (yes must) create it out of my wazoo purely for entertainment purposes (though i'm not exaggerating about the number of times i've been bitten). and i was sitting this morning, listening to music on the love of my life right now, my iriver mp3 player, drinking coffee, smoking a cig (shut it), and scratching away, when i came upon an ariticle in yesterdays ottawa Dose magazine It was an article entitiled "Can the Mind Heal the Body?". basically, the jist of the article is what we've been stating in the form of a cliche for years and years, MIND OVER MATTER. apparently, we can heal ourselves, and it can be patient: heal thyself (do i see pharmaceutical company shares plummeting? - unfortunately probably not). this has something to do with new research on both hemispheres of the brain, and in one study individuals were asked to picture themselves in a warm environment, and their body temperature did go up, and spiritual healing is also showing health benefits. ok, so i'm not just going to take their word for it. i decided to put this to the test in my own research. i sat there in silence, and told myself over and over again that i am not itchy. and hell if i didn't become less itchy. ok, so it works. i'm not saying that i'm bending spoons with my mind, yet. but the possibilities are promising. the next time i have an exam that i didn't study for, i can guarantee that i'll be telling myself that i am desperatley ill over and over again, till i become sick. then i'll just heal myself.

mosquitoes love me too! i always get the bites too. and i scratch the hell out of them so don't feel guilty!
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