Sunday, August 28, 2005

Doing some introspective research

so its sunday, and besides bbq with the parents, i had some time on my hands, after all, i should be packing, so i obviously HAD to do some other useless things. and i found a great philosophy/psych site that has a bunch of different tests to help you better understand yourself, your morals, values, etc. and i could tell you some interesting things like: " 'On a reductive view our beliefs are not about the world as it is in itself ... they are about the world as it appears to us.' As what we commonly understand by objective knowledge is not possible, it is accepted that reality beyond our experience is either not possible or meaningless and so knowledge is understood as being confined to what is possible for us to experience."

But i think that its more important to tell you that i did a test about "which celebrity would you hook up with if you were drunk?". you have to answer a bunch of questions (like 5 or something) and it tells you who you're most likely to hook up with. and guess who i got? out of everyone in that is considered a celebrity, i would most likely hook up with.... (drum roll pls)..... Regis Philbin. yeah, that's right REGIS. and apparently, even he's probably more wild and drinks more at parties than i do. umm, yeah, i don't think i can really say anything more to this. it speaks in volumes.

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