Tuesday, April 25, 2006

shouldn't this be a happy day?

i have a friend, actually one of two, who is getting married and, well, its not a happy day. long story short, the priest would do well not to ask "if there is anybody here who objects.....".

now, here's how bad this is. i was talking to a friend that is also not happy happy joy joy about this, and we were joking that maybe we should get him a stripper for the stag, and maybe me would sleep with her. but, as my friend pointed out, he would probably sleep with her, and our friend would still marry him. yup, you read that correctly.

so, i find myself thinking, do i get the stripper and hope that he sleeps with her? it would be a nice sacrifice on his behalf b/c everyone would now have a legit reason to get up and object. yeah, that would help. how do i get his a stripper and secretly convince him (ha ha, like i need to convince a guy to sleep with a stripper at a stag when he's plastered) that he should sleep with the random stripper. or, could i pay her more under the table to come on to him stronger and to do the deed? is that ethical? do i care? so many questions.

ha ha ha. oh god, i hope not. i've been doing that a lot recently, i think its just delusions of grandeur.
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