Friday, October 19, 2007

Because I Said So?

Every day, American politics and law frustrates me even more. Today, i read THIS article.

The US is trying to target, among other countries, Canada, to do what it wants regarding IP crackdown (same as immigration, border partrol, war, etc etc etc).

but the part i love about the article is the line "Sometimes it just takes a little nudge for a country to see the light", the nudge being heavy-handed tactics (um, let's not forget, forging war) and the light being American ideals.

Hey, how about you look inward and realize that you have a bankrupt country and leave the rest of us to, um, i don't know, govern our country the way we want to. They're like a disliked relative who comes over once every few years, and then tells you everything you're doing wrong and how you SHOULD be doing it.

But truer words have never been spoken about how America handles worldly issues that it doesn't think coincide with their self interest. They regularly "nudge" (read force) countries to do what they want them to do, in the name of "democracy" and other "ideals". in the end, let's not kid ourselves, its all about self interest (mostly oil, but now lots and lots of money lost by big corporations who control the States).

So far, i'm proud of Canada in applying laws and regulations that (mostly) conform to Canadian standards, but with Harper, i worry that that will change.

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