Wednesday, October 18, 2006

All but the kitchen sink

Do you remember the Breakfast Club" when Allison (Alley Sheedy) takes her bag and dumps out everything in it? there are clothes and countless other things, and she says that she's got her whole life in there.

When i was younger i used to think that women carrying around those huge bags with all that stuff inside where crazy. i mean, really, what do you need to carry with you all the time in order to have that huge bag and are you running away, never planning on coming home, that you need so many things with you.

well, now... i completely understand the baglady syndrome. i have SOOO become one of those women with the big bags. and if you still don't understand it, let me enlighten you. picture this.. you work full time and go to school full time. you leave the house about 7 am, and you're not back until 7 pm. you are out of the house for 12 hours EVERYDAY. you travel via public transportation. here are the things that you are carrying as a result: cell phone, wallet (one of those bigger ones b/c the smaller ones don't close with all the business cards, cards, goddamn change etc that go into wallets), mp3 player, pens, highlighters, books, newspaper, perfume, makeup (excuse but i'm out running around 12 hrs a day, i need a touch up and a spritz), glasses (in a case otherwise they scratch - i learned that the hard way), mail (when else am i going to check it), all the pieces of paper that you needed at some point, didn't have a garbage, and put in your bag and never took out again, cream (toronto is dry now), sunglasses, lunch, cigarettes, lighters (and if i'm being honest, old empty cigarette packs b/c i can't remember to throw out the empty ones).

now, you tell me, how can i not carry a big bag. i apologize to all the women that i called crazy when i saw them with the big bags or the multiple bags. i now realize why.

Don't forget visine, keys, lip gloss, bus pass, tampons, gum, and gloves.

I'm a big purse-a-holic as well.
Don't forget visine, keys, lip gloss, bus pass, tampons, gum, and gloves.

I'm a big purse-a-holic as well.
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