Sunday, October 01, 2006

In comparison

Working downtown Toronto, i often see homeless people standing on the corner asking for money, or sleeping on the sidewalks. its not something that i hope to ever get used to, cause when you become used to something you stop seeing it, and i want to see it. and often, i will even give someone some change, especially if they are nice, like this one guy who stands in front of starbucks and says a lovely "good morning" and is always smiling.

and i often talk to people who complain about seeing the panhandlers etc. I'm not bothered by it. let me tell you what's more annoying. being in the suburbs and an older couple coming over to me while i'm waiting for the bus preaching christianity and trying to get me to take their magazine, especially if i want to be 'saved' and, presumably, not burn in hell.

i'm not opposed to religion. hell, i believe in god. but i draw the line at getting bombarded on the suburban streets at 11am and being preached to. at least the homeless will just casually ask for some change while you walk by. they don't try to corner you or make you feel guilty. actually, a lot of homeless people in downtown toronto actually try to do something in exchange for some change. they stand near the doors and hold the door for you, they give out newspaper (they're free editions of the major or not so major printing companies).

what's most important, is that when i'm in downtown toronto, i expect to get asked for change a few times. when i'm in the suburbs, and an older ethnic couple comes up to me, i'm thinking that they need directions or something, so i actually take off my headphones, at which point, they go into their spiel, and i'm cornered. i'm not expecting it, so i'm not equipped to deal with it adequately.

You'd think those preachers should be out helping the homeless...
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