Monday, November 28, 2005

Sanity has taken a permanent vacation

Now, it could just be me, i've become known not to be much of a liberal (read tree hugger) but when will others jump on this bandwagon with me. but when you read the following, you may want to join me.

for example, i specifically refer you to the out-of-control use of, and creation of, political correctness. i don't think i'm the only one that is a little annoyed with this concept. i understand that there may be situations in which we would want to be a little sensitive (short is kindof harsh -vertically challenged, a little silly but not as offensive, so ok). but when we start taking it over board, it just makes the entire practice ridiculous. exhibit one: the whole situation with redefining everything to do with "terrorism". terrorism is a good word. it says "this is bad", the connotation of a negative is there. it is widely understood as a concept. why the need to change it? recently, the bbc, when referring to "terrorists" called them, i kid you not, "misguided criminals". um, not the same seriousness implied. not the same brutality understood. if ever a word needed to have a negative connotation to it, i think it would be terrorist. misguided criminal just means "oops, i'm sorry, i didn't really mean to do that, i was just misguided. slap me on the wrist and send me to my room without dinner". terrorist says "i am willing to kill people, and preferably the more the better, for my cause". a terrorist is a terrorist, a misguided criminal is some stupid kid who breaks into store after hours when there is noone there and robs the cash register.

the idea was to remove emotion from the context. again, maybe its just me, but i don't want to remove emotion from the concept of terrorist. i'm quite happy hating terrorists, and i'm thinking that the (surviving) victims and their families want to keep the emotion in what they went through. emotion is what keeps us from forgetting, from not turning our heads. lack of emotion is what leads to lack of empathy, and that's what leads to acts such as terrorism. but, again, that could just be me. has the whole world gone insane?

other ridiculous politically correct uses:
brainstorming = thought shower (lmao)
failure = deferred success (OMG!)
"God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" = "God Rest Ye Merry Persons"(just not the same-try it)
there are many more, but for an extra funny kick, read the following Little Red Riding Hood in politically correct terms.

also a favorite.. "holiday tree" instead of "christmas tree". hey, if you don't celebrate xmas and put up a tree, call it a holiday tree! go nuts. tho i don't think those that do celebrate xmas can't call it a christmas tree just to not offend people.

i agree, it does go too far sometimes. esp the brainstorming one. i don't actually think people are making negative comments of those with epilespy when they use the term. they are simply coming up with ideas.

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