Sunday, November 27, 2005

new toy

i bought a new toy. i caved. couldn't resist. but when i started playing around with it, there were two problems (so far). uploading vcs for the calendar, and getting music off the nano (had an audio file on there that i needed to get off at work). so here's the fix. vcs was annoying cause i'm not about to upload individual calendar appointments. but there's a great freeware out there that will compile whatever dates you want into one vcs and then you can put it on the nano (time saver, annoyance saver). the program is called "outpod" from "stoer"

the other program (also freeware) which moves files off is sharepod. what's great about this is that it sits in the nano, and works when you go into the nano folder (as a drive), so you can exchange on any computer. can't beat that.

so i fixed the annoyances that i came across so far, we'll see with more use. also bought a sweet case ( but they sell in futureshop). it's silicone, nice feel, and almost clear (called ice something or other). a little hefty at $30 somewhat for two cases (don't sell just one) but well worth it (i couldn't do the zip lock thing like some other inventive people i know).

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