Tuesday, June 28, 2005

what doesn't kill you... yeah, not much comfort

The only antidote to mental suffering is physical pain.
Karl Marx

so true, so true.

i've been sitting at home all day, forced to do nothing but watch tv, b/c everything else hurts like hell. lying down hurts, sitting hurts, standing hurts, walking hurts, laughing hurts, and moving causes nausea and tears. sound like fun?? yeah, let me tell you how much. i hurt so bad i don't think i've ever been in so much pain in my life. why? sciatica. i don't wish it on my worst enemy as they say. and when i do find a position that doesn't hurt, eventually i have to move b/c everyelse starts to hurt b/c i've been in the same position for too long. drugs don't work. fun fun, skippity doo.

ow ow ow

hope you feel better!!

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