Monday, January 24, 2005

tired of dealing with BS

seriously, when does the bs stop. i had opened up an account with a credit union, and when you do that, you have to put in a deposit that they keep till you close the account. so i put in the $25. ok, so then i go and close the account a couple of weeks later (found a much better banking solution) and i wait for them to send me the cheque for the $25. so, here's the catch- they send me a cheque for $18.50. HELLO??????????? what the hell????????? where did my $6.50 go?????????? did it just magically disappear??? did inflation go up in the couple of weeks???? did i imagine that i put in $25 and had some mental lapse???? NO- and i mean NO!!!!! so where did it go? well, i'll tell you. now, you have to remember that i was in the bank when i closed it. ok. so, i was informed by the credit union representative that they took the $6.50 b/c that's what it cost to process the cheque and send it to my house. WHAT THE HELL???????? i think i remember being in the damn credit union. and couldn't have given it to me then???? so i bitched (actually- i was busy so my mother bitched) to them, and swore a little, and, well, it wasn't pretty. but, i got my money back. and, say it with me - it wasn't the $6.50- it was the ........... yes, the PRINCIPLE. i have become that person that you hate (if you ever worked in retail you know who i mean). and i'm not apologizing for it.

this post made me dream that i was yelling at someone for a similar thing. weird!
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