Saturday, October 29, 2005

Ah, the incredible world of juxtapositions

so, did anyone here see the national post this past tuesday? well, let me tell you the ridiculousness of some ppl. there are two white girls, twins, aged 13 (in the states of course), who are supposedly musically inclined. one (her name is lamb) plays the guitar, while her sister (lynx) plays the violin. ok, that sounds fine (except for the names). until you read that these "twin teenage pop stars" sing messages of racial hatred. yeah, that's right, they are a white power band. the article mentions that they are a sinister version of the Olsen Twins (i'm sure the olsen twins are very happy about that endoursement), and they sing songs such as Sacrifice, which is a tribute to hitler's duputy rudolf hess (they praise him as a man of peace and say that he wouldn't give up and he wouldn't cease to give his loyalty to their cause.

so, as i'm reading this i'm thinking i'm going to be sick, and i'm thinking where are the parents. that's just a knee jerk reaction b/c of course, the parents are the cause of these girls doing what they do. no child hates naturally. no child at 13 sings songs of hatred without some disgusting ideas being put in their heads (like the song aryan man awake: aryan man wake, turn your fear to hate). come on, now the aryan movement and racists all alike are using little blond girls to spread their messages of hate. that's lovely.

how about someone charge that mother with abuse? tell me she didn't turn those girls into the hateful messengers that they have become. and all those "separatist" groups that want to book these girls for their rallies, you don't think they are going to exploit those girls? the whole thing is disgusting.

by the way, i'm not mentioning the girl's group name for a reason.

but, the best thing about the whole thing is that right to the left of that article, was a huge picture of ROSA PARKS (she deserves a mention and in capitals).

the message is very clear national post.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

i read the most amazing quote today, it was made by a man named J.Teitel: "mothers may create children, but children build fathers from pieces they find in space".

sorry about this weekend guys, but forces of nature (well not nature so much as old deteriorating car parts) are a little stronger than me, and much more unpredictable.

and this week was so long and draining that i'm going to bed. i never noticed how draining it is to be sad, and surrounded by sad (funerals i mean).

RIP Roberto R.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Gone are the Lazy Days of Summer

ok, must do update but it's late and i'm tired, so, here's the "cheap and dirty" version.

*moved (out and in) and almost done
*job going well (working more and balancing school- burn out? possibly?)
*saw the corpse bride (go see it- i love burton/ rewatching edward scissorhands)
*thanksgiving for the first time at rad's place (yummy yummy yummy in my tummy....)
*Dinga (rad's dog) had puppies on tuesday (ALL 13 OF THEM- anyone want a doggie?)
*5 assignments in one week + school + work will make me very busy and grumpy :(

wow, that doesn't read nearly as busy as i actually am (take this and mulitply by 10)

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